14 June 2019


971 Days

It has been 971 days since my last post here. 971 is a prime number. 971 in Roman Numerals is CMLXXI. In the year 971 The grave of Swithun, Anglo-Saxon bishop of Winchester, was moved into an indoor shrine (he was previously buried outside) in the Old Minster. The ceremony was said to have been marred by 40 days of torrential rain. State Route 971 is a state highway in the U.S. state of Washington. West Virginia Route 971 is a 9.9-mile (15.9 km) north–south state highway in Wyoming County, West Virginia. Numerologically, 971 reduces to 8, which is a building number. It builds things.

1 comment:

mrs random said...

Also, there are 971 stars within 50 light years of here. Neighbors!